
Planet Saturn – Your friend or enemy

Saturn could be a celestial body for you which is revolving in the solar system, around the Sun. We are far away from Saturn, and some may be thinking of how the huge Saturn is affecting our lives. To prove this, let’s take an example of our satellite Moon. Even science accepts that the gravitational force of the Moon attracts the seawater of Earth. Similarly, every celestial body is connected. Our rishis know this very well. Even before modern scientists, they know the exact distance between the heavenly bodies present in the universe. They have all the knowledge about stars, galaxies and even more.  

Scientifically, Saturn is a gaseous planet. Astrologically, Saturn is the planet that governs hairs, nails and anything that is made up of dead cells. Saturn is known as Shani Dev in mythology, and there are many stories related to Saturn that help us more to learn about its features and strengths.

One of the stories is about the birth of Lord Saturn (Shani). Saturn is the son of Lord Sun and his wife, Chaya. Since birth, Saturn was not happy with Lord Sun. Even Sage Parashar consider Sun and Saturn inimical to each other. A person who has Sun and Saturn conjunct or in aspect with each other face problems with his father or boss.

Another story is related to the powers of Lord Saturn. Mythology says that Saturn got control over life and death. Saturn is the planet who decides who will die on Earth. Saturn is the planet who will decide where a soul will go after leaving this body. In total, Saturn is the planet who gives us the result of one’s actions (KARMAS). If a person has good placement of Saturn in his horoscope, his actions or karmas are going to be fair that help him to move in higher soul levels. And a horoscope with the wrong placement of Saturn will hurt others, do bad karmas and move to lower levels.

Many people are afraid of Shani Dev because they are afraid of death. But Saturn gives pain and sufferings to make someone useful. If we do not face failures in life, we will become more egoistic and adamant and never value others. In total, Saturn gives us a way to become a good human being by experiencing pain and sufferings. Saturn is our true friend as when we do anything wrong, Saturn tells us and warn us. The problems in life and afterlife will increase when we do not listen to our loyal friend Saturn.

Saturn is a vital planet in the horoscope. It tells us about our present actions and also guides us the right path that we need to follow to make our self a better human being.

Come and learn how to read a horoscope.