Unlock Stars, Master Life with AstroAmit's Astrology School
astrologer Amit Saini


Amit Saini

Are you seeking a knowledgeable Astrology guide? Look no further, you’ve landed at the perfect spot. I offer a unique approach designed to provide swift and highly precise astrological insights. If you’re eager to discuss your life challenges, concerns, or any lingering thoughts, don’t hesitate to connect with me. Your astrology journey starts here.

How can I help you?

I help people in finding happiness and success by using Astrology to help them make good life choices. I am having experience of 20 years in  Astrology, Numerology, Reiki, Energy Healing, Vastu and Lal Kitab. 



One must never leave learning new things. Come, learn the systtem of astrology and see how the planets impact our lives.



If you are looking for one to one counselling then you can contact me with your personal birth details to get a future reading.


Helping People

Everyone should help other person as nature gives you back what you give to others. I try my best to share my knowledge to help you.

Learn With Me

Let us understand what it the need of learning Astrology and why it is so important? Of course, life can be lived without eyes. Life can be lived without seeing the possibilities going to happen in future. But if we use our vision, our wisdom, the life could be more meaningful.