
How to read a horoscope

Before learning how to read a horoscope, let’s discuss what actually is a horoscope. It is a graphical representation which gives us the information about the placement of planets in the zodiac at the time of birth.

For, eg. If the person took birth on 07-02-1975 (07th Feb 1975), the planets on this day have some fixed position. [Please note that all placement of planets in a particular sign is seen from Earth] On this day, Saturn was transiting in Gemini, Sun and Mercury in Capricorn, Jupiter and Venus in Aquarius, Moon and Mars in Sagittarius. At the same time, the Rahu and Ketu are calculated in Scorpio and Taurus, respectively.

Date – 07 Feb 1975

Planet                  Sign                               Sign No.

Moon                    Sagittarius                           9
Mars                      Sagittarius                           9
Sun                        Capricorn                             10
Mercury               Capricorn                             10
Jupiter                  Aquarius                              11
Venus                   Aquarius                              11
Saturn                   Gemini                                 3
Rahu                      Scorpio                                 8
Ketu                      Taurus                                  2

  • We can check the signs of planets through Panchang or by using any astrology software

If we have to show the placement of these planets in a graphical form, it could be shown as (below):


To find ascendant of horoscope, we need the time of birth. But from horoscope, we can tell about birth time just by checking the placement of Sun in the horoscope. Read my next blog: How to find out birth time just be seeing the horoscope of anyone.

Once you make the horoscope, the second part comes is about reading it.

Step 1: Check the ascendant. In the above horoscope, the ascendant sign is Cancer (Number 4). This person will have the traits of Cancer Sign. The lord of Cancer is Moon. Moon is emotional, soft and a watery planet. Just by seeing ascendant, we can predict that the person is emotional by nature.

Step 2: Placement of Ascendant Lord in the horoscope. In above horoscope, the planet Moon (Lagan Lord) is placed in 6th house from ascendant (* 6th house has the Sagittarius sign). It means the ascendant lord is placed in 6th house in Sagittarius sign. Now, you have to learn more about the houses and signs. Each house (1st to 12th) has its own significances, and each sign (Aries to Pisces) also has its own features and characteristics. ** In my online course of Astrology, you will learn all these things.

Step 3: Planet Conjunct with Ascendant Lord. In the above horoscope, Mars is the planet which is placed with planet Moon. Mars gives energy and power. However, the person is emotional but also energetic and has the good mental strength to complete the projects.

Step 4: Aspect of planets on Ascendant. In above horoscope, Sun and Mercury are the planets which are having a direct aspect on Lagan. These planets too affect the personality of native. Sun being the lord of 2nd house is having aspect on Lagan, it means the family support will remain there and father of native will be a respected person of the society or maybe the eldest son of his family.

Above given steps are the general steps that help to analyze many things about the native. You might be thinking that this is so confusing and how can you understand all these things. You can’t learn or predict like as I did above. But do not worry, I have a straightforward and mathematical system of making predictions in an effortless way.

I break the course of Astrology into two parts.

  1. Theoretical Astrology – Here, I will give you an idea about planets, signs, houses, Nakshtras, Lords and Significances. We will cover only those things that do not produce any confusion and you will learn them in an easy way.
  2. Calculative Astrology – I will give you simple formulas to predict the significant events of life. After doing this part of Calculative Astrology, you will able to predict the exact period when a person is going to get married? OR when a person gets a JOB? Or many other things.
  3. Prashna Astrology – I will tell you how to answer a specific question if you do not have the horoscope of any person.

 Reading horoscope is not difficult. It is same as learning cycling or swimming. In the beginning, it could be difficult for you, but once you crack the trick, you will become an expert soon.

Come and join the course.

All the best to you.